Becoming an Eagle Scout is simple. Not easy, but simple. The steps that are required are all outlined by the Boy Scouts of America. You do not have to be particularly smart, athletic, or talented to reach Scouting’s highest rank.
The one quality that will be most helpful in attaining Eagle Scout rank is perseverance. When a Scout has learned to keep going, no matter what, the battle is half-won. The typical journey to Eagle takes in excess of five years. This is long time in the life of an adolescent. Perseverance is the quality that allows a young man or woman to reach this lofty goal.
Eagle Scout Rank
- To earn the rank, a Scout must:
- Progress through the ranks in the following order:
- Tenderfoot
- Second Class
- First Class
- Star
- Life
- Eagle
- Earn 21 merit badges, including:
- First Aid
- Citizenship in the Community
- Citizenship in the Nation
- Citizenship in Society
- Citizenship in the World
- Communications
- Environmental Science or Sustainability
- Personal Fitness
- Camping
- Family Life
- Personal Management
- Emergency Preparedness or Lifesaving
- Cycling, Hiking, or Swimming
- Cooking
- Serve six months in a troop position of responsibility.
- Plan, develop, and give leadership to a service project for any religious organization or any school or community.
- Take part in a Scoutmaster conference.
- Successfully complete an Eagle Scout board of review.
- Progress through the ranks in the following order:
Scouts with disabilities may qualify for the Eagle Scout rank by fulfilling alternative requirements as determined by their council.