A new section has been added to the website, called Q & A (see menu above.) Naturally, as an Eagle Coach, I am always tackling questions from Scouts on their projects or advancement. But now I will publish the best of them!
Two questions and answers have already been posted. The first is from a Scout in the Washington DC area about his Eagle Scout Project fundraising application and the approval required by his Council. The second question, about the new requirements for the Cooking merit badge, comes from a Scout in my own Council, .
So what’s on your mind? Are you trying to figure out the Eagle Scout Leadership Project Workbook? Wondering if the project you have in mind will qualify? Or perhaps a question about the Eagle-required merit badges? If you are having trouble tracking down the answer, send me an email to CoachHunt@EagleCoach.org, and I will do my best to answer it!
“Oh, the possibilities!”
Coach Hunt