The Eagle Scout Rank Application is a complicated affair, and along with the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, requires many signatures and supporting data. I have coached many Scouts who tend to get bogged down with this final step to Eagle.
How do you make sure that you are submitting a correctly filled-out Eagle Scout Rank Application? You can use a checklist, and I have prepared an EagleCoach checklist for your use. Each Council has slightly different requirements for the paperwork, so please begin the process by checking your local Council website for specific instructions. They may have their own checklist, and if they do, you should use that.
The EagleCoach checklist that you can use is now available on the Downloads page of this website. Or you can click here: Eagle Scout Application Checklist.
Please spend the hour or two required to fill out the application and workbook correctly. You spent years climbing this high on the Eagle trail, and the summit is in sight. It is worth the time to to make sure that your application is not rejected by your Council!
“Oh, the possibilities!”
Coach Hunt